Go ahead and have a seat… you don’t need me to read you your rights, do you? I mean, after all… I’m not your average officer. I’m a very special officer… a perversion officer. Yes, that’s right. I just want to ask you a few questions… you don’t mind answering my questions do you? Don’t worry.. I know all about your sick perversions and fetishes. As a perversion officer it’s my JOB to help you… help you confess what a sick, filthy pervert you truly are deep down inside. You have nasty fantasies about your own mother, don’t you? You think about using her mouth… her pussy… her ass… Don’t you? Don’t deny it.. Admit it. Be honest. You get turned on thinking about your own mother… and using her to make yourself cum. Cum on… confess… confess what a filthy incest pervert you are, momma’s boy…