Roberta Gemma, Anina Silk, Vickie Brown
FACCETTA NERA – 2019 – Faccetta Nera is the title of a song written by Renato Micheli and composed by Mario Ruccione in April 1935. This song was certainly inspired by the fascist propaganda that prepared the Italians to face the Ethiopian war. The movie has no political label or orientation and uses the title of the song only to highlight the historical period in which the story unfolds. The story takes place in Naples in 1935 and tells of the generational contrast between a powerful gerarca (Massimiliano Storace) and a young militant of the fascist party (Josc Admiral) who live in the same building. Taking advantage of the departure of the gerarca for Abyssinia, the young fascist tries in every way to attract the attentions of his wife (Roberta Gemma) unknowingly involving also the elderly mother-in-law. When everything seems over, a twist will reverse the events of the story.
The Historical Context:
It’s September 11, 1935, we are less than a month from the start of the Ethiopian campaign. In the intentions of the fascist regime, this colonial expedition must be the maximum expression of the strength and efficiency of the Kingdom of Italy. Failure is not contemplated, far from it: this war will have to mark the definitive consecration of the regime in the much sought after ‘place in the sun’ on the international scene, strengthening its image and prestige through a military campaign conducted with enormous deployment of means for a inexorable victory.
In this context, the propaganda system also assumes fundamental importance, through a series of measures aimed at enhancing the imminent expedition, or, to put it better, at the need for a salvific Italian intervention towards the Abyssinian population, oppressed by a state of slavery. . Here then is the flourishing of various ‘canzonette’ in which the graceful and catchy melody is combined with programmatic texts of strong impact: we remember in particular a 78 rpm which includes the two ‘preparatory hymns’ for the war of Ethiopia, or ‘Faccetta nera’ and ‘I salute you, I am going to Abyssinia’. As mentioned, these are “choral” songs in which the candidates for the expedition declare their virile enthusiasm in front of a real “call of destiny”.
According to the propaganda plan of the Italian Army, in 1935 alarming news spread about the slavery conditions with which the Empire of Ethiopia kept the Abyssinian population subject. A firm, decisive and definitive intervention by the Italian forces is urgently needed to put an end to this slavery, so as to celebrate the colonialist vocation of an Italy ready to expand the borders of its Kingdom significantly. These are the ‘historical’ premises that saw the birth of a song like ‘Faccetta nera’, in which the Roman poet Renato Micheli addressed his words directly to a hypothetical young slave (the ‘beautiful Abyssinian’, in fact) urging her to wait for the triumphant coming and civilizer of the ‘black shirts’.
This is the historical context in which Mario Salieri sets the story of his new film. We have a powerful and affirmed hierarch (Massimiliano Storace) who is preparing for the Abyssinian expedition: we see him haughty, motivated and dismissive of the danger as a regime wants, to face the legitimate insecurities and fears of his beautiful wife (Roberta Gemma), worried about the mission to which her husband is called.
But you know, in fascist families there is no time for tears: during the absence of her husband, the role of the woman will be the eminently domestic role of ‘angel of the hearth’. Roberta will have to look after the elderly mother of the man, who is bedridden and in need of care.
As per script in the Salierian stories, the disturbing element manifests itself in the landing of the house, and has the features of a young fascist militant (Josc Admiral), handsome and domineering, who lacks respect for the hierarch with his daring behavior. The boy is punctually ‘cazziato’ for not having greeted the superior ‘Roman’, however thanks to his comment in voice over we learn that he does not care about the violent reproach: yes, because as soon as the hierarch leaves for Ethiopia he will take care of the wife of this domineering ‘big shot’, trying to earn her sexual favors.
As the young man in the black shirt explains, it has been some time since he has set his eyes on the woman, provoking her also through the ‘attentions’ directed in plain sight to the aunt of one of his comrades (Vickie Brown). In short, it is a matter of time, and the beautiful Roberta will give up. Will it really go like this? To find out, just enjoy the film,
This new Salieri is added, as we have seen, to the historical setting works so dear to the director, a story re-enacted with the scruple of the enthusiast attentive to the ‘customary’ aspects of the eras from time to time treated. Music, for example: it had been like this in the ‘Neapolitan carousel’, here we are once again catapulted in the middle of the twenty years thanks to the recovery of the song that gives the title to the film and the revival of the popular success ‘Ma le gamba’, dated 1938 and used by Mario as a sound commentary to the moments of… ‘solitary intimacy’ of the young fascist when he consults some audacious period magazines.
These important details help the spectator to enter the context of an event that also foresees the celebration of the Juno Roberta Gemma, as always unmissable in the hard scene dedicated to her. In the writer’s opinion, Roberta is the perfect embodiment of the ‘mogliamante’, to bother the title of a film with Laura Antonelli: a prosperous woman whose physicality, properly exhibited and enhanced by Mario’s filming, embodies a generous and homemade sexuality ‘without losing a sex appeal always and in any case highly sensual. Looking at Roberta Gemma in all her production with Salieri, the words Marcello Mastroianni addressed to ‘Anitona’ Ekberg in Fellini’s’ Dolce Vita ‘come to mind:’ You are the first woman on the first day of Creation. You are the mother, the sister, the lover, the friend, the angel, the devil, the earth, the house … Ah, that’s what you are: the house! ‘
This means that the roles created by the Neapolitan director for Roberta give her an ‘all-knowing’ femininity, both in the part played and in the more specifically sexual part.
In historical films, Mario’s shooting style for hard scenes tends to enrich the frame with furnishing details that make the surrounding environment ‘live’: to frame the sexual performance we have for example the lingering the eye of the director on old bedside tables, chairs or paintings, which, while remaining ‘at the edges’ of the screen, act as ‘subliminal’ elements that need only be absent-minded to receive that additional temporal information.
Having said that, remember that Salieri has always accustomed his audience to a multiple reading of his films, and ‘Faccetta nera’ is no exception: the title is a propaganda hymn that introduces us to the ‘historical plot’ of the story, but with the progress of the events is clear that the motif is also a mockery tool of the young fascist towards the hierarch: as soon as the latter leaves singing to conquer Abyssinia, the boy will proceed to conquer his wife … all thanks to the same song, which sends one to war, the other to have sex. Magic of Maestro Salieri. As always.
Remember that the film has no political label or orientation and uses the title of the song only to highlight the historical period in which the story unfolds.
Sex acts & positions: kissing, handjob, blowjob, kneeling doggy, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, standing doggy, spoon, cum on ass, cum on legs, pussy fingering, 69, handjob to completion, cum on tits, missionary