Honey, your father sent me in here to talk to you about something. We have both been noticing some strange behavior with you lately and I think we need to figure out what is going on. Son, your father and I have been noticing that you are masturbating multiple times a day. That’s really too much honey, there must be some underlying problem here. I want to help you honey, I really do… and this kind of thing definitely needs a woman’s touch. I need to you drop your pants, son. It’s ok, just trust mommy. I know exactly what I am doing and I can definitely fix you up. Oh honey… it’s… it’s a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Hmmm… come over here and stand in front of me. Now son, I just need to touch it a little bit and maybe suck on it some too. Mommy needs to help you have an orgasm so you won’t have to masturbate so much. Mmmm that’s good isn’t it? Are you ready to cum yet? No?! Honey, I think you have a problem because of an overstimulation to porn! I know just how to fix this… mommy just needs to take her clothes off and bend over and you are going to have to….. fuck me, son. Yes yes, this is the only way to fix your overstimulation to porn… you have to fuck your mommy!
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