At first, I didn’t believe him. I mean, it sounded ridiculous. “What about my mom?” I asked, talking to my friend on the other line. He had to be fucking kidding me. Was this some sort of sick joke? Payton Hall? What kind of name was that? My buddy insisted I look it up, but he had to be fucking with me. My mom was way conservative, she was on the PTA…she wouldn’t do anything like that. Whatever, I typed it in. P-a-y-t-o-n H-a-l-l. My heart sank, and my expression changed immediately. “I gotta go,” I said, hanging up the phone. What the fuck? There had to be dozens upon dozens of videos. Maybe it was a doppleganger. MY mom was a pornstar? These videos were fucking disgusting. I felt sick to my stomach wondering how many people had seen these. “Mom! Mom, get in here!” I yelled. I was appalled, disgusted, pissed off. How the hell did I not know? “What do you need?” she said in her usual sugary voice. “What’s wrong?” First, the whore played stupid, but when I showed the videos to her, there was no denying it. “That lady kinda does look like me, but that’s not me,” she smiled, lying straight to my face. But it was right there…all right in front of me–the necklace, her hair. “You know what…just put that away,” she said, picking up my laptop. She knew I knew, and porn of all things? “It’s just a job,” she replied. “Do you wanna go to a movie or something?” Oh no, she wouldn’t get off the hook that easily. Those fucking videos were burned in my head, and if Mom wanted to be a godddamn whore, she’d show me how good she really was…even if she didn’t want to.