Honey,I wanna tell you know,I loved to be pregnant with you and I miss everything about pregnancy..and I would like to make you a little brother or sister :)..but you see,it is just you and me..oh,I don’t know how to tell you,is so I am a single mother,my future baby need a father..and you know your mother is not sleeping around and..I think I will just say it straight! I want you,you my son,to be the father of my future baby.I know it sounds crazy,but just listen to me are the only man that I love,you are the only person that I trust,you are all grown up and ready to help me with your future brother/son.So all I want from you is to just fuck me for a little and to cum inside me.I will jsu stay doggystyle and wont look at you if this os embarassing you,ok? :)