It was just another day at the office for porn star Rachel Steele. She was checking her emails as usual, spamming through all the routine junk mail when she came across an email that wasn’t of the usual mix – a young man by the name of Michael that had e-mailed her, expressing how he thought of Rachel as a beautiful, talented woman and that he thought she created art in front of the camera. Rachel was astounded by such words and felt she should get to know Michael some more, so the two emailed each other back and fourth for a while. Eventually Rachel told Michael to call her, and she emailed him her phone number. Michael was shy at first, but eventually mustered up the confidence to call her. The phone rings twice and then he hears her voice; at that moment Michael feels an insatiable arousal! He was irresistibly drawn to the sound of her voice, and he knew at that moment he was going to leap at all odds just for the chance to meet this amazing woman. The two talked for hours on the phone about how they where going to meet. Michael eventually told Rachel that he was going to drive down the following week. Rachel was naturally a bit skeptical, not believing that he was going to drive all the way from New England to Florida. However, the next week Rachel got a XXXX at the front door and Michael was there just as he had promised! Rachel was in shock – she couldn’t believe he actually drove such a long distance, but indeed he did. Rachel could tell Michael was worn out from the drive, and asked him when was the last time he ate and rested. Michael said he was so excited to meet her in person that he couldn’t rest or eat. Rachel, knowing how hungry he must be, insists that they go and get something to eat immediately. The two go out to a romantic restaurant, where they get to know each other on a more personal level. From there, they go back to Rachel’s house where Rachel tells Michael that she has a surprise. Michael is intrigued by this and wonders what the luscious Rachel Steele has in store! Rachel tells Michael to wait downstairs as she gets the surprise ready, and that she’ll call for him when she’s finished. Michael waits with anticipation, not knowing that Rachel has plans other than just shooting him on camera; she wants him OFF camera as well! Rachel calls for Michael to her room, and with eager anticipation Michael makes his way to Rachel’s room, finding her next to candles and a lit fireplace, dressed in lingerie and high heels. Michael can’t contain his arousal, seeing her dressed so beautifully. He walks over to her and the two connect as one, kissing and feeling each other all over, their arousal towards each other processing to oral sex and eventually intercourse. The two are in utter ecstasy, feeling deep feelings for one another and experiencing a feeling neither had ever had before.