You could say it began when I accidentally walked in on you… found you masturbating… saw you with MY pantyhose… heard you moan “Mommy”… No. No, it began way before that. It started when your father walked out on us when I was pregnant with you. I sacrificed my own personal life to focus entirely on you and your every need. And you and I grew so close… I’ve noticed you looking at me – in that certain way – when you think I’m not aware. And I know you’ve masturbated… thinking about ME. I… I’ve done it to you – to you, about you. I couldn’t help it. I can’t help what happens in my dreams, the seductive thoughts I wake up with, how my body naturally reacts. I HAVE to deal with it. I guess you could say things have reached a breaking point – the end of the line. You’re off to college soon, and I guess it’s up to me to make the decision, to address what we both want but are so scared of. It’s up to Mommy to cross the line…