Well, well, well. It appears you`re watching porn when you`re supposed tobe doing homework. Have you even gotten any of your schoolwork done? Showme your computer and let`s find out. Oh, wow, I had no idea you were intoolder women. Your computer is full of MILF porn! I`m surprised you`re intowomen like me and not girls your own age. Don`t be ashamed of it. It`scompletely natural to like mature women. Let`s watch this porn together soI can explain everything to you, son. I`ll walk you through everythingyou`re seeing and teach you how to please a woman. Okay, maybe watchingthis together wasn`t a good idea because now I`m all turned-on. This is sowrong, but I want to see your cock. Take it out and jerk-off for me. I`mso horny and want you to cum all over my tits! Be a good son and coveryour mother with your hot cum.
A vid shot from Ella’s son perspective, they watch some porn together, then they act it out :) Sex scenes include – virtual bj, virtual missionary.